Monday, August 25, 2014

Final Website Version

When redoing this project, I totally redid the banner image.  I kept the same purple/bokeh background and did a vintage trio of colorized butterflies in purple, pink and white and set their opacity fairly low so that the bokeh showed through.  I also dropped "the" from the title, as it felt unnecessary.  Instead of the plain white background, I'm using a pretty butterfly background in matching pink, purple and white colors.  It's very muted so that the text shows up nicely.  Additionally, I moved the social media buttons and the purple ribbon to the footer, where I added the lupus logo of "I am more than lupus".  

This is what they looked like previously:

Works Cited:
Vintage Butterfly Image. Digital image. Http:// N.p., 15 July 2014. Web. 
25 Aug. 2014 <>.

Benadryl Cream image. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2014. <>.

Flowers and butterflies clipart desktop theme. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2014.<>.

Lupus stat image. Digital image. Woman of Faith and Lupus. Google Sites, n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2014. <>.

Biolage FiberStrong Image. Digital image. Toronto Fashionista. N.p., 6 May 2014. Web. 25 Aug. 2014. <>.

Purple Ribbon. Digital image. DermaMed Solutions. N.p., 1 May 2013. Web. 25 Aug. 2014. <>.

Taylor Garnes & Pamela Moore, West Point, NY. Personal photograph by author. 2013.

Digitized Signatures.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Butterfly Girls Draft Version

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

This is the draft version of my website idea of "The Butterfly Girls" - which actually *MIGHT* become a real thing eventually.  My daughter and I both suffer from lupus and while there are some decent sites out there, there are none that offer a dual perspective on dealing with it daily.  My lupus is completely different from hers.  Mine started out as the cutaneous (skin) version and then morphed into the full blown systemic lupus.  I have lots of dry, rashy skin problems and my hair is falling out like crazy.  Taylor's on the other hand, jumped into the full blown systemic right off the bat with extreme bouts of tiredness and a multitude of flu-like symptoms.

We would like to talk about products we use (from make-up, lotions to recipes) that make us feel better.  Many of our lupus sites just talk about the symptoms, available meds and where to find other resources available.  The goal of our site would be to educate people about lupus, especially our friends and family, who look at you and say "But you look so healthy!"  (we get that A LOT!)  Lupus used to be thought of as an immediate death sentence and it was hella scary.  When first hear that there is NO cure, you panic and nobody really has answers on how to cope.  The doctors give you a pill and send you on the way.  We would like to show there is a whole life still to live out there!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Avatar - Final Draft

Final Avatar Draft

I'm so glad this project is done and over with.  Blah!!!  I cannot count the hours I have fought and fought with this image and I'm still not happy with it but I said 'enough'!  What I did was basically deconstruct the entire thing and went working backwards layer by layer trying to fix the massive over-Burn tool I did on her cheeks in my draft version.  I also tamed down the Dodge highlights and left them basically on her chin and her nose only.  I took the heavy Burn off the edge of her chin and and the sides of her face that gave her a super heavy shadow effect and also cleaned up the "green" hair issue I was experiencing where yellow + blue = green.  I redid the Liquify effect and pulled her nose down even further and then bloated it some more.  I ended up keeping her eyes the same.  I like that they're crystal-like and shiny.  Of course, I added her to a Deviant Art work of Avatar's Pandora world and the flora there.  

First Draft Version w/ heavy Burn on cheeks & green hair issues.

Original Image


"" MisaMakeupcom. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2014. <>.

Pritteeboy. Pandora Flora. Digital image. Deviant Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Aug. 2014. <>.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Avatar Assignment

I fought and fought with this assignment.  Did you know the video doesn't match up with the written instructions?  Yeaaaaah.  There's a couple of things he did in the video that didn't match up to the written bits.  Anywho....this is my first draft version.  I have some work to do on the cheeks, especially the camera left side.  That first round of dodging/burning where you can't see what you're doing?  Yup...that's what happened.  Too much burning.  And remember that old adage from art class that yellow + blue = green?  Yup.  So I have spots where you can see green hair.  I tried to get them all but I think I missed a few.  This was definitely NOT my favorite

Edit - I forgot to add the original picture.  I obviously cropped her.  The hair over the shoulders on the right gave me too much issue and the necklace was a pain to try to paint over each little bead.  It was just taking entirely too long so I cropped her.  Also, if you look at her eyes in this original picture, you can see there is a lot of glare from the photography lighting being used.  When I blew up her eyes to work on them, there wasn't very many highlights at all to use, which I think made her eyes look wonky in the draft version above.